Made some time to go out to the barn tonight after work to put the first coat of oil on my teak.
Went smooth as... greased teak?
Well, not quite that smooth. As soon as I started using the foam brush I bought the plastic inside the foam shattered so I had to use it like a rag to apply the oil. Then I knocked over the bottle of oil, spilling it across my work bench. That wasn't so bad, actually, I used the foam brush to pick up a blob of oil that I then applied liberally to the teak. I probably used more oil on the teak this way, 'cause I'd already used it, so to speak, and that worked out better for the teak.
While I waited the requisite 20 minutes to rub the wood down I climbed up on Odyssey and finished cleaning under the hatch slides on the poptop. It was really warm up there, now I know where the heat from the propane heater I use in the barn actually ends up.
Anyway, I rubbed the teak down with a towel. It looks fabulous. Well at least compared to the way it looked before.