Second Sailing

by Chuck July 2, 2011

Dana’s parents went out on Saturday to take advantage of the short crabbing season that we’re having here, so Dana and I decided to take our boat out and meet them on the water – hoping that a crab or two might fall off their boat and into ours.

Originally we thought that we would take our kids with us, but they decided to go with Ron and Sue on the Salty Lady. Dana I ended up taking Odyssey out by ourselves again.

It was almost a pleasant day out on the water, except for the lack of wind. Mostly we drifted around, running the motor whenever we needed to dodge a crab pot that the current was setting us toward. We did stop for  a while to talk to Ron and Sue and the kids.

Here’s today’s complaint – people who run at speed past boats at anchor. Three or four times while we were tied up to Salty Lady some jerk came spinning by at speed only a 10 or 20 yards away. Odyssey and the Lady would bob like corks, trying to tangle their railings, and Dana and I would be fending off with both feet and a hand to keep us from smashing together. Just because you can run your boat fast anywhere you want doesn’t mean that you should…

We pottered about, heading in about 5:00 p.m. The current was running fast up river; I had to try three times before I could get us close enough to the dock for Dana to get out. Made a few people nervous, but didn’t hit anyone.

On the way home we swung by the marina where the kids were and dropped off a cool chest. Two crabs came home with Joe and Kate. Made a great dinner with fresh greens from the garden.



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